9/29/14 Long Lake (Hamilton Co.)


A Blackpoll Warbler migrant was observed at the summit of The Pinnacle, the
mountain we live on in Long Lake.  A Pine Warbler was singing for a long
time in the pines along the lake behind the Long Lake Central School.


9/28/14 Long Lake


My husband and I boated to Turtle Beach at the north end of 14-mile Long
Lake.  I posted photos to my Facebook page below of the beach, lake, Common
Loons in changing plumage, Bald Eagle nest, and seaplane.  There were two
Bald Eagles observed staying close to the nest area - which they do well
into the fall each year.


9/27/14 Low's Ridge - Upper Dam Trail (along Hitchins Bog to Hitchins Pond
on the Bog River in St. Lawrence Co.)


I led a walk to Hitchins Pond and up Low's Ridge that was co-sponsored by
Northern NY Audubon and the Town of Long Lake.  It was a gorgeous, peak leaf
color weekend.  Nineteen people took part and we began around 9 a.m.  The
day was quite hot, so birds were fairly quiet.  In addition to Yellow-rumped
Warblers, we observed a tail-pumping (yellow) Palm Warbler at Hitchins Bog.
We heard several flocks of Pine Siskins - the first day I noted a movement
for this species which has continued.  Views from the summit of Low's Ridge
were spectacular!  I posted photos to my Facebook page.


9/19/14 Pre-dawn migration in Long Lake


I was out pre-dawn and there was a huge movement of Swainson's Thrushes.
Locally, 3 Barred Owls and Common Loons were vocalizing.  A porcupine,
startled by my husband and I talking, climbed a tree along our lawn (Sept. -
Oct. is breeding season for porcupines and they have been very active!).  I
also saw 2 meteors.


9/17/14 Trail to OK Slip Falls and the Hudson River Gorge (Hamilton Co.)


I hiked the newly opened trail to spectacular OK Slip Falls and the Hudson
River Gorge.  Photos (trail, waterfall, flora, fauna) and video of the
waterfall can be seen in my latest blog for "Adirondack Experience" at:
lls .  An Eastern Wood-Pewee sang at the trailhead.  A Barred Owl vocalized
midday near the falls.  Winter Wrens were abundant.  Blue-headed Vireos and
Common Yellowthroats sang, and Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green,
and Yellow-rumped Warblers were observed.  I believe the 4-inch slug I
photographed is a Carolina Mantleslug - if there are any shell-less
terrestrial gastropod mollusc experts out there, I'd love to hear from you!
This is going to be a very popular trail in the Central Adirondacks.


9/14/14 - 9/15/14 Essex Chain Lakes Canoe - Camping Trip (Essex and Hamilton


I camped at the most remote site in the chain - Sixth Lake (#2) and nearly
had the Essex Chain Lakes to myself (only one other party on Third Lake).
It was a Sunday night with a forecast for 30 degrees, so I thought I might
have complete solitude!  This newly opened area is lovely - I have a blog
with many, many photos that will be published soon by Adirondack Experience.
Jeff Nadler camped in the chain earlier in the season and heard Olive-sided
Flycatchers.  There is certainly habitat for this species between Fifth and
Sixth Lakes.  Common Loons are abundant in the chain.  Once again, there was
a nocturnal movement of Swainson's Thrushes and I could hear their call
notes through the tent walls all night.  At dawn, my camp was surrounded by
their "whit" call notes.  Barred Owls were abundant hooting and
"monkey-calling" all around the lake during the night!


9/12/14 Massawepie Mire (St. Lawrence Co.)


David Buckley and I hiked 6 miles round trip (to Silver Brook) at Massawepie
Mire.  Some of the species found:


Ruffed Grouse - drumming

American Kestrel - 2

Gray Jay - 7 (groups of 3 and 4) (photo on Facebook)

American Redstart - at David's house in Piercefield

Cape May Warbler - 2 different birds

Magnolia Warbler

Palm Warbler - many

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Lincoln's Sparrow

Swamp Sparrow

Purple Finch


David spotted a huge Black Bear on the trail just as I sat down at Silver
Brook for a food break.  I had a nice view, but not long enough to get a


9/10/14 Mountaineer Trail near Massawepie Lake (St. Lawrence Co.)


The Boy Scouts have done a great deal of wonderful work on the trail since
the last time I hiked it - lots of new wooden walkways over wet areas, and
they completely rebuilt the bridge over the outlet of the lake (photos on
Facebook).  This continues to be one of my favorite Adirondack trails.  An
adult Common Loon was still feeding a juvenile on Massawepie Lake.  I
photographed a female Black-backed Woodpecker (photo on Facebook).
Warblers: Nashville, Magnolia, Blackburnian, Palm, Pine, Yellow-rumped, and
Black-throated Green.


9/8/14 Long Lake


I was out pre-dawn and this was the most active migration night that I've
noted all season.  The sky was filled with Swainson's Thrushes - just
remarkable!  An Ovenbird landed and gave its evening song!


9/7/14 Sabattis Bog (Hamilton Co.)


Warblers: Black-and-white, Nashville, Magnolia, Bay-breasted, Palm,
Yellow-rumped, and Black-throated Green.  Lincoln's Sparrows were still in
the bog.  I posted photos of some of the warblers and a Lincoln's Sparrow on
my Facebook page.


9/6/14 Long Lake


A Chestnut-sided Warbler was observed outside our home.


Joan Collins

Long Lake, NY

(315) 244-7127 cell       

(518) 624-5528 home





NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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