Friday, 22 April, 2016 -

Probably a good day to get out on a break if you can, smaller patches may also have some migrants.
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

... more much later - the park has received, actual living birds, with actual real songs heard... this a.m. from 5:45 to 9:15, there already were at least these migrants:

Eastern Kingbird, Great Crested Flycatcher, Scarlet Tanager - male, seen singing @ Great Hill, v. early (singles seen & heard at the n. end of park, all very early)

and in areas south of the reservoir, including Ramble & vicinity as well as south of and west of that:

minimum of a dozen species of Warblers, with Nashville, Black-throated Green, Yellow, N. Parula, Prairie (several) & other spp. that have been found for some days such as Ovenbird, Black-and-white, Northern & Louisiana Waterthrushes, Palm, Pine, Myrtle/Yellow-rumped Warblers all present in the Ramble & vicinity.

Other migrants in at least low no's. or some perhaps just singles included:

Chimney Swift,
Ruby-throated Hummingbird,
Yellow-billed Cuckoo,
Blue-headed Vireo (multiples),
Warbling Vireo,
Red-eyed Vireo (a bit early, near Castle, 8 a.m.),
Orchard Oriole,
Baltimore Oriole,
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (non-adult or likely fem.)
Indigo Bunting (at least several in park now, mostly fem. or blotchy male), Wood Thrush (1 well-seen by many & photos, West 77th streamlet aka Triplets bridge area),
Hermit Thrush (many all thru),
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (good no's.),
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (almost plentiful in various areas),
Brown Thrasher (more than before),
House & Winter Wrens,
E. Towhee (more than before),
Sparrows of at least 7 species, including first definite White-crowned (west of Falconer's Hill) - seen singing, Rusty Blackbird (early, at Triplets bridge, nr. W. 77 St. - with thanks to Ben King of Manhattan, NYC)

and other species, yet to be reported & likely some still to be found as the day goes along.
- thanks to many birders in the Ramble & vicinity this early morning.

also, at the reservoir in just a brief look, Spotted Sandpiper (flying at western edges)

Tom Fiore


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