This Saturday afternoon, I made a familiar foray into part of the west Bronx (& would have detoured just slightly east to a Bronx river / zoo Prothonotary, had I known at the time of my Van Cort. visitation!) - and echoing first Jack Rothman's comments on Bronx parks... there is a lot of peace and quiet - and plenty of birds. J.R. & colleagues are always a welcome sight in their wanderings into Manhattan as well... And further adding a bit on Mike Britt's post re: Nighthawks in Yonkers, but theorizing on an inter-boro "series" of birding - Staten Island is no "sleeper", but the Bronx could be, as it just would take a group such as the City Island crew & some other energetic true-Bronx birders; there's a lot of bird habitat in the Bronx, and thus, well: birds.

Saturday p.m. only - May 14th.
Seen & heard in Van Cortlandt Park (mainly NE & NW forest areas, but also a pass thru parts of the Croton woods central sections) were:

Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Green Heron [breeds]
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture
Canada Goose [breeds]
Mute Swan -breeds]
Wood Duck [breeds]
Mallard [breeds]
Red-tailed Hawk [breeds]
Solitary Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove [breeds]
Chimney Swift [breeds nearby]
Ruby-throated Hummingbird [breeds]
Red-bellied Woodpecker [breeds]
Downy Woodpecker [breeds]
Hairy Woodpecker [breeds]
Yellow-shafted Flicker [breeds]
Willow Flycatcher [breeds]
Eastern Phoebe [breeds]
Great Crested Flycatcher [breeds]
Eastern Kingbird [breeds]
Yellow-throated Vireo [has bred]
Warbling Vireo [breeds]
Red-eyed Vireo [breeds]
Blue Jay [breeds]
American Crow [breeds]
Tree Swallow [breeds]
Northern Rough-winged Swallow [breeds]
Barn Swallow [breeds]
Black-capped Chickadee [breeds]
Tufted Titmouse [breeds]
White-breasted Nuthatch [breeds]
Carolina Wren [breeds]
House Wren [breeds]
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher [breeds]
Veery [potential breeder]
Wood Thrush [common breeder]
American Robin [breeds]
Gray Catbird [common breeder]
Northern Mockingbird [breeds]
Brown Thrasher [rare breeder]
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing [breeds]

Tennessee Warbler (Vault Hill, seen singing}
Nashville Warbler (Vault Hill, seen singing)
Northern Parula (multiple in some locations)
Yellow Warbler [common breeder]
Chestnut-sided Warbler (several)
Magnolia Warbler (several)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (several, singing)
Myrtle / Yellow-rumped Warbler (multiple)
Black-throated Green Warbler (one or 2)
Prairie Warbler (1)
Blackpoll Warbler (several males, singing)
Black-and-white Warbler (multiple)
American Redstart [multiple; uncommon breeder]
Ovenbird (several)
Northern Waterthrush (several)
Common Yellowthroat [breeds]
Canada Warbler (one, singing)
plus some that got away: huge old trees, & very large park!

Scarlet Tanager (several males, 2 females, f. rare breeder)
Eastern Towhee [multiple; now-uncommon breeder)
Chipping Sparrow [breeds]
Savannah Sparrow (2 photographed, Parade Ground)
Song Sparrow [breeds]
Swamp Sparrow (several)
White-throated Sparrow (2)
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak [breeds- nice photos taken today; courting pair; never causing disturbance to any species]
Indigo Bunting [breeds]
Red-winged Blackbird [breeds]
Common Grackle [breeds]
Brown-headed Cowbird [parasitizes]
Orchard Oriole [uncommon, breeds]
Baltimore Oriole [many; also breeds]
House Finch [breeds]
American Goldfinch [breeds]
House Sparrow

Additionally some fine wild & native (non-planted) trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants were seen, some in gorgeous full bloom, such as native Pinxter-flower, and some state-rare (protected) plants, and further a modest selection of butterflies, in this rich-woods park with some genuine "old-growth" trees (esp. so for N.Y. City).

good naturalizing,
Tom Fiore


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