I started the day off by falling out of bed, so I figured I might as well go
birding. Looking at the radar around dawn, I noted that the heaviest echoes
were off the south shore (like I know what I'm looking at). I had already
planned to go to Jones Beach, and that is where I got myself to, bright and
early at 9 A.M. With the caveat that Jones Beach is not my primary spot for
spring passerines - typically once a year - I will say that it was the best
spring day I've ever had there. Variety was good and numbers were good. So
much so that I spent 6 hours walking around the West End median area - way
more than I expected out of this day. I had about 15 species of warblers in
the first couple of hours - which would have put  me on pace for about 45,
but I chose to focus on photo subjects. It's not often that you're presented
with a multitude of forest species at low heights. I will tell you, though,
low birds does not mean open, cooperative birds.  I won't present a long
boring species list - you all know what migrates through now. I will give a
shout out to a common species that was especially common today - American
Redstart. Two thoughts crossed my mind. In a couple of spots, it was like
when you look through Yellow-rumps to find something else. And, I haven't
seen so many Redstarts at Jones Beach since the aftermath of Hurricane
Gloria (not that today was in a league with that fall out). The web site is
overdue for an update, so I posted some pictures to prove I saw something at
http://stevewalternature.com/ .


On a different note - I don't know if this will be posted, so I'll mention
that I got a second hand report of a brief visit to the Forest Park
waterhole by a Prothonotary Warbler this morning.


Steve Walter

Bayside, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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