Sunday, 5 June, 2016
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

On an after the really-early-but-before the mid-morning-rain walk, mainly in the north end of the park, I found 9 Warbler species, including a singing male Hooded Warbler at the north woods, seen near & east of the Blockhouse, as it sang frequently, and moved a lot low in trees. Also seen was a female (prob. 1st-year) Mourning Warbler, at the wildflower meadow, just above the Loch-Ravine area.

The other warblers found included N. Parula, Yellow, Magnolia, Blackpoll, Black-and-white, American Redstart, & Common Yellowthroat, mainly in small or single number[s]. All were seen from north of the reservoir northward. This is not too unusual for the first week or so of June, even for a Hooded Warbler male to appear here. There are still modest numbers of migrants moving, which could be called 'stragglers', but it is still part of a normal spring movement in this area, even weeks after some of these birds have reached breeding areas, & also started their breeding elsewhere.

Additional migrants included a few thrushes, one of them a Gray- cheeked, which gave a call, ruling out Bicknell's. Swainson's Thrush are also still passing, in very low numbers now. In addition there were E. Wood-Pewee, Great Crested Flycatcher & E. Kingbird all of which may &/or are nest[ing] in the park. On the reservoir's edges & central dike were at least 7 Great Egrets & more than 10 Black-crowned Night-Herons, some of these departing as the hour passed 7 a.m. - also seen flying over the north end of Central were up to 6 Snowy Egrets at once, along with multiple Great Egrets, a sight that can be observed all this & the next 2 months, in a "sky corridor" from about 96th St. northward to north of Central Park North or 110 Street. These egrets are moving between the East River & western Long Island Sound to the N.J. meadowlands area, in both east & west direction - this activity seen for at least decades and more likely was noted by native peoples here, even many centuries ago.

Many other resident - summer & year-round - birds were noted.

good later-spring and quiet, respectful, breeding-bird observing,

Tom Fiore


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