An adult Arctic Tern made a brief appearance at Cupsogue this evening, 
appearing at 4:10 and flying off toward the inlet at 4:17--but not before 
feeding over the shallow, in-rushing tide with a flock of Common Terns, just a 
few meters from me. Wish I had the SLR today, but at least I managed distant 
digiscoped shots of the bird at rest.

Birding was challenging under a brisk nw wind, but shorebirds were definitely 
on the move. I counted 95 Short-billed Dowitchers, most of which were actively 
flying east to west in small flocks. Notably, all the flocks consisted mostly 
of bright, breeding-plumaged birds, whereas the 50 or so gray first-summer 
birds that have been lingering here in recent weeks were no longer present. 
Also noted were a Whimbrel and small numbers of Least Sandpipers and Greater 
Yellowlegs. The local Eastern Willets are starting to gang up. The one Western 
Willet present was apparently stimulated by them, or by some annoyance shared 
with them, and spent a lot of time calling. I tried to video this, but had 
trouble with wind noise. The only segment that captured the Western Willet 
reasonably well was one that lacked nearby Eastern Willets calling.

Other highlights included one Roseate Tern (a brief appearance before the 
Arctic Tern arrived) and one Royal Tern still in full breeding plumage (which 
arrived just before we left).

Shai Mitra
Bay Shore

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