For the record, there was also a male hooded warbler later in the day in the 
scrubby area west of the tupelo tree. Found by Miriam Rakowski. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 10, 2016, at 4:00 PM, Deborah Allen <> wrote:
> Central Park NYC - 
> Saturday Sept. 10, 2016 
> OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob. on bird walks starting from the Boathouse 
> Cafe at 7:30am & 9:00am
> Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 19 species of Wood Warblers including Cape 
> May & Connecticut Warblers, and of course, Red-breasted Nuthatches. Not high 
> numbers of birds today, but good diversity. Many birds, including thrushes 
> and tanagers, feeding on fruit in the Tupelo at Tupelo field. 
> Mallard 
> Mourning Dove
> Yellow-billed Cuckoo - NE of Balancing Rock (Carine Mitchell & Will Papp)
> Chimney Swift - 30 overhead at 6:45AM (R. DeCandido before walk)
> Herring Gull - low flyover
> Black-crowned Night-Heron - hatch-year on the Point
> Red-bellied Woodpecker
> Downy Woodpecker - a couple
> Northern Flicker - 5
> Eastern Wood-Pewee - 4 (Maintenance Field & Pinetum)
> Empidonax Flycatcher - Tupelo Field
> Great Crested Flycatcher - Tupelo Field (Carine Mitchell)
> Warbling Vireo - Maintenance Field
> Red-eyed Vireo - 5
> Barn Swallow - fewer than 5 flyovers
> Black-capped Chickadee - 2 Upper Lobe
> Red-bresated Nuthatch - 9 (2 Tupelo Field, 7 Pinetum - Wendy Miller & George 
> Beckwith)
> White-breasted Nuthatch - 2 (Humming Tombstone & Oven)
> House Wren - 4
> Carolina Wren - Tupelo Field
> Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 2 (Patty Pike - Shakespeare Garden & Maintenance 
> Field)
> Veery - more than 10
> Swainson's Thrush - a couple in the Ramble
> American Robin - many on lawns
> Gray Catbird - usual numbers
> House Finch - 2 or 3 at Maintenance field
> Ovenbird - feeders
> Northern Waterthrush - 3 (Indian Cave, 2 pin pines below Belvedere Castle)
> Black-and-white Warbler - 5
> Connecticut Warbler - Summer House Meadow/Swamp
> Common Yellowthroat - 5
> American Redstart - 20 (including 3 adult males)
> Cape May Warbler - the Point (6:30am R. DeCandido before walk)
> Northern Parula - 2 - Humming Tombstone & Ramble
> Magnolia Warbler - 2 - Pinetum & Oven
> Yellow Warbler - 4 (3 of these at the Point)
> Chestnut-sided Warbler - Ramble (Karen Evans)
> Blackpoll Warbler - adult male still in alternate plumage on the Point
> Black-throated Blue Warbler - male in the Ramble
> Palm Warbler - 2 western - Pinetum (Tom Alhf)
> Pine Warbler - 5 (Pinetum & pines below Belvedere Castle)
> Prairie Warbler - Shakespeare Garden (Karen Evans)
> Black-throated Green Warbler - 2 (Pines below Belvedere Castle & the Point)
> Canada Warbler - 3 (Humming Tombstone, 2 at Upper Lobe)
> Wilson's Warbler - uphill from Boathouse (Peter Haskel)
> Song sparrow - Summer House Meadow/Swamp
> Scarlet Tanager - 7 (5 in one tree uphill from the Boathouse)
> Northern Cardinal
> Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 3 (Shakspeare Garden, Summer House Meadow/Swamp, 
> Tupelo Field)
> Red-winged Blackbird - Belvedere Castle
> Common Grackle - flock of around 125 seen from Boathouse Cafe around 30 feet 
> up & heading north before 7:30 walk
> Baltimore Oriole - 7 (females and hatch-years) in Tupelo at Tupelo Field
> Andrea Hessel reported a Hermit Thrush. 
> Adding Tim Healy's Yellow-breasted Chat at the Maintenance Field and Ryan 
> Zucker's Worm-eating Warbler, also at the Maintenanace Field, yields 21 
> species of Wood Warblers reported in the park today. 
> R. DeCandido saw a Little Brown Bat at Belvedere Castle at 5:45am, but no 
> early morning flyovers of migrating birds. 
> Thanks to Carine Mitchell for the Chilmark chocolates from Martha's Vineyard. 
> Deb Allen
> --
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