Tuesday, 7th February, 2017
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

A young Red-headed Woodpecker, now with some red feathering on the  
head (or "hood") continues at the area just west of East 68th Street,  
south of park entrance at East 69th and the woodpecker regular near a  
modest-size Shagbark Hickory tree that is along the first path west of  
the above-noted streets.  Standing to the immediate north of a rustic  
shelter atop the Dene area, on a rocky outcrop, or the path just below  
& north, may find the woodpecker which can be well above eye-level  
much of the time, but has been seen at ground-level also.

A Red-necked Grebe (found last Wednesday & almost certainly the bird  
that was subsequently reported as released there on that day, by the  
Wild Bird Fund rehab center which is on Manhattan's upper west side)  
is continuing on the reservoir today, it's been feeding-diving often -  
moving around the entire reservoir - thus it can be "missed" (at 10 am  
this Tuesday, it was at & near the northeast corner, & it then swam  

Additional species on the CP reservoir include 2 Pied-billed Grebes, 4  
Hooded Mergansers, multiple American Coots, Northern Shovelers and  
Buffleheads as well as other expected winter species there. Drake Wood  
Ducks: 1 at 'The Meer' & 1 at 'The Pond' as well as the occasonal  
visitor Great Blue Heron and the long-staying Coot; the drake Northern  
Pintail continues at The Pond.

Other species remaining in Central Park include:  Double-crested  
Cormorant,  [Greater] Canada Goose,  Gadwall,  American Black Duck,   
Mallard,  Ruddy Duck,  Sharp-shinned Hawk,  Cooper's Hawk,  Red-tailed  
Hawk,  American Kestrel,  Ring-billed Gull,  [American] Herring Gull,   
Great Black-backed Gull,  Rock Pigeon,  Mourning Dove,  Red-bellied  
Woodpecker,  Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,  Downy Woodpecker,  Hairy  
Woodpecker,  Yellow-shafted Flicker,  Blue Jay,  American Crow,  Black- 
capped Chickadee,  Tufted Titmouse,  Red-breasted Nuthatch,  [eastern]  
White-breasted Nuthatch,  Brown Creeper,  Carolina Wren,  Winter  
Wren,  Hermit Thrush,  American Robin,  Gray Catbird,  Northern  
Mockingbird,  Brown Thrasher,  European Starling,  Cedar Waxwing,   
Eastern Towhee,  [Red] Fox Sparrow,  Song Sparrow,  Swamp Sparrow,   
White-throated Sparrow,  Dark-eyed [Slate-colored] Junco,  Northern  
Cardinal,  Red-winged Blackbird,  Common Grackle,  Brown-headed  
Cowbird,  House Finch,  American Goldfinch,  House Sparrow - &  
probably a few additional wild & native species of birds.

good birding - & thanks to those respecting of all wildlife.

"The first thing to go are words..."

Tom Fiore,


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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