Yesterday, Feb. 26, after searching around the Pond, I finally found the Northern Pintail male that's been at the Pond for the winter. He was sleeping in the dark part of the Pond and had not come in earlier with the other ducks for tourists feeding them like he used to. A (the) Great Blue Heron wasn't far, also towards the west side of the south part of the Pond. A (the) male Wood Duck was under the bridge and a (the) American Coot was swimming around. In addition, there were the usual Mallards, Black Ducks, Muscovy and domestic duck derivatives.

This morning, I returned around 9 am, and the Pintail was in the same area, swimming, dabbling and drinking. After I had been there for about 10 minutes, he went back to sleep. Hoping that he had moved for better photos, since I was still in the neighborhood, I returned about 2 hours later, and I could no longer find him anywhere on the Pond. He is now in full breeding plumage, complete with a nice long pin-tail. I am curious if anyone sees him again in the park, or whether he's left. The rest of the duck and Canada Goose population down there seems about the same as yesterday, and, if possible, is all paired off (there is a significant excess of males). For those who have followed the mottly duck population down there, the very pale vocal hybrid was mating with a male Mallard this morning (so, she is a female).

Ardith Bondi


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