Happy Pesach (Passover) evening to many friends & colleagues.

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Monday, 10 April, 2017 -
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

While the Glaucous Gull which was - again! - found by Peter Post (with thanks 
to Ardith Bondi for reporting) at the Central Park reservoir was the undoubted 
highlight on the day for the park, there were a couple of new arrivals:  
Blue-headed Vireo, & Black-and-white Warbler - each in both the Ramble area & 
the n. end woods, and found later in the day on Monday…  also still present 
were the spring-plumaged Red-headed Woodpecker in its’ usual area just west of 
East 68th Street, a Red-necked Grebe that no one can prove is the same which 
was released - or not - and 2 Common Loons, these last 3 birds of 2 species at 
the CP reservoir, with that Glaucous in later hours.

-  -  -
It can be added that Prospect Park in Brooklyn had the 2 new-arrival species 
(the vireo & that warbler sp.) and perhaps these were found in some other NYC 
areas this day as well. Prospect with its many keen observers also again had 
the lingering YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER as reported by others on-scene.

- -
As a follow-up to the sighting of a Pileated Woodpecker in northern Manhattan 
on Sunday (4/9), a fair number of eager birders came to seek, including myself 
a bit later, but so far as all had heard & shared attempts at, the 
mega-rare-in-NYC woodpecker was not re-found. The search may go on at least by 
local birders. This latest sighting was from Fort Tryon Park, while a 
previously-documenterd recent sighting was at Inwood Hill Park, which is 
immediately north of (& a bit larger & more-wooded) than Fort Tryon Park.

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Today, 4/10, Braddock Bay in NY counted 3,737 birds in migration with vultures 
& raptors alone:  1 N. Goshawk, 2 Golden Eagles, 8 Rough-legged Hawks, 18 
Red-shouldered, 190 Broad-winged, 207 Red-tailed, 33 N. Harriers & 33 Bald 
Eagle, as well as a Peregrine & 47 Am. Kestrel.   4 Osprey, 43 Cooper’s, 321 
Sharp-shinned - but above all in numbers, 2,829 Turkey Vultures were seen & 
counted… the Broad-winged Hawks seen there this day were the first offically 
counted there in 2017.

Many, many birds on the move overnight tonight… & likely more reports…

- WE were all once refugees...

good birding,

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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