Sunday, 4 June, 2017 - Manhattan, N.Y. City

Perhaps the least-expected sight, and one that needs to be checked-on with the 
rehabber folks at Wild Bird Fund, was the Horned Grebe on the Central Park 
reservoir, present all day there, & certainly feeding.  Not each spring that 
one finds that species in Central Park at the same time as late warblers such 
as Mourning & Tennessee & Blackpoll are moving.

A female-looking Blue-winged Teal was continuing (for a 2nd day, at least) as 
first noted by Nate O’Reilly, at the Sherman Creek area just north of the 
eastern terminus of Dyckman Street - and as uncommon as that is for Manhattan, 
in June or in most any month in NY County, a quintet of Black Skimmers seen 
headed north, a short time ago, from near the Hudson at about West 161 St., and 
from the river green-way (path) that is directly adjacent to the river, was 
pretty unexpected as well for that far up from the river’s mouth / NY harbor, 
even with the unusual occurence of the latter species a good way up-river at 
Croton, some 25++ miles north of Manhattan.

In other action in Central, there were some migrants still about, including a 
singing male Mourning Warbler at the n.w. edge of Summit Rock (this is near 
where one was seen over a week ago, but is almost certainly not the same 
individual), and Tennessee Warblers in at least 2 locations, one near Bow 
Bridge (male, singing) at about 6 a.m., & another (silent, prob. a female) in 
the Loch, much later on.  At least 2 cuckoos, one clearly a Black-billed, the 
other likely to have been, were in, respectively, the n.e. part of the Ramble & 
later, at the Loch.  Some Empidonax flycatchers were still about, with at least 
Acadian, & Yellow-bellied again present in Central Park.  There also have been 
some migrants in Riverside Park.

Some notes on other species later, or next day, as this day is still young.

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"Have we fallen into a mesmerized state that makes us accept as inevitable that 
which is inferior or detrimental, as though having lost the will or the vision 
to demand that which is good?”   - Rachel Carson (1907-1964; marine biologist, 
conservationist, author whose books include ‘Silent Spring’.  Sir David 
Attenborough has remarked that that book may have had an effect on science 
second only to Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”.)

good -and ethical- birding,

Tom Fiore,


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