Sunday, 25th June, 2017
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

A Kentucky Warbler which was present in the Ramble of Central Park, very 
possibly the same individual also found singing not far away earlier this 
month, was vocal from as early as 6:15 a.m. when I first arrived in the area 
today, & was also still vocalizing a bit not too long before actual sunset, 
this evening.
 - - -
Over-playing of recordings or other noises meant specifically to “lure” (&/or 
harass) birds and in a place like Central Park in Manhattan, New York City is 
hugely unethical and completely irresponsible, and particularly so when a bird 
is being repeatedly taunted with such amplified electronics or other incessant 
noises is a species that is listed as either “endangered”, “threatened”, or 
“imperiled” in the state.  Kentucky Warbler is such a species, and as such it 
is unconsionable that anyone would use such amplified devices aimed at such a 
species - & furthermore that such noise-making would be directed at, any bird 
which is & was ALREADY SINGING of its own.  That such noise-making might be 
done for many minutes, in a heavily-birded location, is not normal. 

If observed, behavior such as this, the offender[s] ought be told by those 
other birders / nature-walkers in the area, that such noise-making is 
unneccesary, very irresponsible, and unethical.  

In many places including in parts of Central Park, this type of noise-making 
would be illegal.  There is a reason that in many federal, state, & some local 
lands, and on some privately owned or managed lands, use of recordings or other 
“lures” to bring birds in can be a punishable offense; in some cases, a 
violation of federal laws.

This is not in reference to people who may take out a mobile phone & play a 
single song or call, perhaps to help themselves ID a bird they’ve just heard, 
or to try to confirm a suspected identification, & such activity is done 
without any intent to harass or to cause distress, either to the bird of note, 
or to birds in the area in general.  While even those kinds of activities might 
be self-limited by conscientous birders, this is about repeated, undue, 
unnecessary, unethical & potentially harm-causing playing, to an extent that 
any intelligent adult ought recognize as such. It IS recognized by many 
responsible birders, bird-walk leaders, and others. It OUGHT to be understood 
in particular by anyone trying to earn a living showing birds to others. In 
MOST cases, it is.

Guidance on the issue of ethical birding is noted here - <>
Of particular note is that which is listed under 1.b in the above Code of 
Birding Ethics, below:

“Limit the use of recordings and other methods of attracting birds, and NEVER 
USE SUCH METHODS IN HEAVILY BIRDED AREAS (*emphasis added*), or for attracting 
any species that is Threatened, Endangered, or of Special Concern, or is rare 
in your local area;”

Let’s give some respect to these birds, and to all of their observers, as well.

Tom Fiore,
New York


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