All mentioned below except for the Royal Terns are here so far today. 

Mike Yuan
Brooklyn, NY
> On Jul 4, 2017, at 6:03 AM, Andrew Baksh <> wrote:
> Yesterday's highlights from birding 2 tide cycles at Cupsogue include the 
> following:
> ARCTIC TERN (1) 1st Summer.
> Black Tern (1) 1st Summer.
> Roseate (4) Adults
> Royal (3) - Eric Salzman (sp) with Eileen Schwinn spotted the first one of 
> the day. 2 more were seen on high tide.
> Western Willet (1)
> About 200 Terns included the expected Common, Forster's and Leasts. Several 
> Portlandica types, although fewer than I saw on June 30th.
> Shorebird numbers were much lower than the 30th. The Short-billed Dowitchers 
> and Red Knots seemed to have pulled out with only a few remaining.
> A couple of Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers were new - at least from the 
> 30th. Overall, lower number of birds.
> No sign of the recent Sandwich Tern despite working both the Flats and the 
> Mussel beds west of the flats. I opted not to check other locations on Dune 
> Road to beat the traffic out of the Hampton's.
> A safe and Happy 4th to all.
> Cheers,
> --------
> "I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule 
> of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence." ~ 
> Frederick Douglass
> 風 Swift as the wind
> 林 Quiet as the forest
> 火 Conquer like the fire
> 山 Steady as the mountain
> Sun Tzu  The Art of War
>> (__/)
>> (= '.'=)                                            
>> (") _ (")                                     
>> Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device! 
> Andrew Baksh
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