Friday, 1st December 2017 
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

I was among a good many other birders who were (still, or later in arriving) 
seeking the lingering Empidonax flycatcher in the Ramble area, later in the 
day; as far as I know there was just one report noted for the afternoon hours 
for this bird, while clearly it had been ranging about in some of the places it 
was seen in prior days (& into Friday), with the same pattern of some prolonged 
stays in particular sections of the Ramble, as well as equally or more 
prolonged disappearances.

A bit earlier on Friday but still within the mid-day period, I’d been in & 
around the Hallett Sanctuary (opens 10 a.m. & closes 1/2-hour before sunset, 
daily) and The Pond, each within the southeast portion of Central Park, & among 
birds found, a Northern Waterthrush, lingering stiill, & at about 12:30-1 p.m., 
seen in the narrow “channel” of the outflow of the skating rink, & adjacent 
part of the farthest north bit of The Pond, on the northeastside of Gapstow 
(stone) bridge; this warbler has been seen ranging all about the entire shore & 
vicinity of The Pond, over prior weeks.  

Inside the Hallett Sanctuary, at it’s western foot-trail, I found and 
extensively photogrpahed a 1st-fall Magnolia Warbler, which is a rather late 
date for that species (In memory, I’ve found 2 other December Magnolia Warblers 
in N.Y., the first of those recalled a very long time ago in Central Park, in 
early Dec. & seen subsequently by others, and another much more recent, in 
Bronx County [N.Y. City] in the course of a [late-December] CBC, that being 
photographed (then) at the Wave Hill Botanical Garden, & providing a rare 
record of the species for the Bronx-Westchester C.B.C.)

Also very late now, in December, an American Redstart (apparent first-fall 
female) was photographed & has been lingering at the Loch & adjacent areas, for 
at least the week through Friday; this in addition to, in descending order of 
uncommon-ness for the date, N. Parula (The Pond, along the shoreline of Hallett 
Sanctuary’s east edge), Nashville Warbler (Gapstow Bridge area, at the Pond’s 
NE quadrant), and Ovenbird (in Hallett Sanctuary, on Friday in the western 
edges); there may well be some additional warbler species, or other 
late-lingering species, that have been found in the past week or less in 
Central Park.  (And there have been some warblers such as Ovenbird, & Common 
Yellowthroat, seen in multiple lower-Manhattan parks or green-spaces in the 
week after Thanksgiving Day.

In addition on Friday in Central Park were seen an Orange-crowned Warbler still 
lingering at the Meer’s shore; this individual seems (assuming just one!) to 
have been ranging about much of that water-body’s shore areas, &/but was again 
seen at the south, but nearer the southeast part, of the Meer in somewhat thin 
shoreline vegetation, quite late in the day. A bright male Wilson’s Warbler was 
also continung in the Ramble, on Friday.

Many other birds, some of them entirely-expected for the season, were also 
noted. A lingering drake N. Pintail, as well as drake Wood Duck, were again 
found at The Pond, amongst the other water-birds there.  For those interested 
(& many have been), at least one of three released (rehabilitated) Virginia 
Rails has continued at The Loch (a.k.a. “Ravine”) area and sightings have been 
very sporadic since the initial of two (November) release dates, by the Wild 
Bird Fund. 

good luck on flycatcher[s], & other December findings,

Tom Fiore


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