Today, at ~ 1300, I saw what I hope will be the latest addition to my (and
countless others) NYS bird list...while also filling a myriad of other
"lists", i.e., life, hemisphere, region, county, etc. I was led into battle
by Patrice Domeischel, the very "finder" of this very possible super bird,
back on 2/22 /22. I believe I first saw this species on the island of
Capri, Italy on 4/28/07, in it's full adult plumage, and remember it
vividly...partly due to the excellent sardine dinner we had just consumed !

After scoping 2 of the bird's usual haunts, Patrice was reasonably sure we
were looking at the subject of our quest, but until it stood to show us
it's leg color, we were left to hover in a holding pattern. This glorious
moment did materialize about 10 minutes into our "purgatory", with me being
blessed by looking through the scope at the very instance of this
"epiphany" ! To my old eyes the brilliance of this yellow was the equal of
a Van Gogh painting...maybe even more intense ! The joy of this experience
reminded me of The Alula Birding & Natural History Tours bird trip to south
Texas, that Patrice & I were on when we saw Aplomado Falcon, Ferruginous
Pygmy-Owl and Pyrrhuloxia, to name just a few of the "biggies".

While at Old Field Point, 2 of the other "good" gulls (Iceland and Lesser
Black-Backed) showed themselves, with only the Glaucous Gull not making

Although the wind was not blowing, the temperature did not lend itself to
dawdling, so we headed for some hot soup. We found it at Uncle Giuseppe's
in P.J.Station - squash for Patrice and lentil for me. A satisfying finish
to a most satisfying all we can do is pray ! 👼



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