New York County (in N.Y. City), including Manhattan, Randall’s Island, 
and Governors Island
Sunday to Wed., Sept. 25th thru 28th -

A Red-headed Woodpecker was seen at Battery Park in lower Manhattan on a 
not-for-profit guided bird walk with NYCAS (N.Y. City Audubon) on Wed., 9/28. 
In Central Park, on the same day, a Vesper Sparrow was found (Kyu Lee) and also 
soon re-found.

A Clay-colored Sparrow was seen (D. Aronov, T. Healy) on Tues., 9/27 at 
Randall’s Island, and the same two finders also recorded Red-headed 
Woodpecker and at least 15 warbler spp. on the day at Randall’s, along 
with multitudinous other migrants. On Mon., 9/26, at Governors Island, 3 
observers saw a Red-headed Woodpecker, a photographed (late) Veery, and at 
least 16 warbler spp. along with many other migrants there.

At Central Park and during a not-for-profit Linnaean Society of N.Y. guided 
bird walk on Tues., 9/27, a male Summer Tanager was seen by many; this species 
also seen that same day at a location not very far from the morning’s 
discovery, thus possibly the same individual having moved. A Connecticut 
Warbler was photographed (P. Markee) in Central Park the same day, seen by at 
least one other observer but possibly disappearing for others who sought at 
that time in same area.

Also at Central Park, a Yellow-breasted Chat was found (A. Kramer) around the 
Summit Rock area, and was seen again by others later the same Tuesday, 9/27. On 
the prior day that observer found a Blue Grosbeak in Central Park’s north 
end by the plant nursery (adjoins the park’s compost area) and that bird 
also was seen later in that day by others.

On Sunday, 9/25, a Connecticut Warbler was found (J. Wooten) at Central 
Park’s north end (north of the ‘Pool’) and was also likely to 
have been the same bird photographed later (M. Waldron) as well as being seen 
by others on Sunday.

Thinking of all life coming thru the major storm in Florida and the U.S. 
Southeast, including human, avian, and all other life forms.

Peaceful birding,

Tom Fiore


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