Tuesday, April 11 - 
At Central Park (in Manhattan, N.Y. City), the ongoing Hooded Warbler was seen 
(and for the first time this year with any groups on a guided bird-walk), by 
multiple observers, in the Ramble area of the park; obs. included members of 
the [non-profit org.] Linnaean Society of New York, as well as others.   A 
Vesper Sparrow was seen, individually (K. Topping), and there were again 
multiples of Savannah Sparrows also at Central Park.  Multiples of Purple Finch 
were seen, with some observers on a walk with a leader from the [non-profit 
org.] American Museum of Natural History, amd by others also.  Many of the 
warbler species of recent days (or longer) were still present, including at 
least one Northern Parula, and Pine, Palm, and Myrtle/Yellow-rumped Warblers as 
well as Louisiana Waterhrushes, in various locations.

- - - -
Elsewhere in Manhattan, a Pine Siskin was seen on Tues. 4/11, at the Swindler 
Cove ;/ Sherman Creek parks area (M. Ryan) in northern Manhattan, and that 
species might be watched for anywhere. as the migration of irruptive-type 
finches is ongoing (mostly of Purple Finches passing thru N.Y. City lately).  
An interesting report of Baltimore Oriole (again on 4/11) from Stuyvesant-town 
in the sector of Manhattan( that is some city-blocks east of Uniion Square 
Park), however this sighting could well pertain to a different individual male, 
and it is also possible that the latest was not an overewintered bird (as the 
Union Square Park male Baltimore Oriole definitely was) and instead a 
rather-early arrival to the county.

On Governors Island (in N.Y. County, of N.Y. City), at least 2 observers tried 
their luck, independently, for American Oystercatcher and both were rewarded, 
on Tues. 4/11, with sightings of that species; the later attempt even finding a 
single Oystercatcher coming along by the shore and not far from the so-called 
‘glamping area’ which is on the northern part of that island.  A scope is in 
any event still recommended for trying to observe more-distant shorebirds, 
waterbirds, and for other possible sightings from Governors Island, in general. 

Thanks to many observers out and about all around N.Y. County for sightings, 
and reports.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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