Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City - Thursday, Aug. 17th:

A minimum of 24 American warbler species *plus* one (named) type of hybrid 
warbler were found in Central Park on Thursday, with at least 19 of the species 
and the uncommon hybrid all seen in and near the Ramble area, while many also 
occurred elsewhere in the park in addition. 

A link to the Lawrence’s (hybrid-type) warbler seen and photo-documented 
from Central Park’s Ramble on Thursday morning (8/17), now archived with 
photos in the Macaulay Library:  https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/604273031 
With thanks to Z. Nyugen for the find and original reporting-of this uncommon 

Other warblers noted from Central Park on Thursday, 8/19:

Ovenbird (multiple)
Worm-eating Warbler (multiple)
Louisiana Waterthrush
Northern Waterthrush (multiple)
Blue-winged Warbler (multiple)

Black-and-white Warbler (multiple)
Tennessee Warbler (multiple, but not that many for 8/17)
Mourning Warbler
Common Yellowthroat (multiple)
Hooded Warbler (multiple, including the male-adult type continuing in the 
Ramble area, as well as the first-fall individual at "The Pool" in the park's 
n. end, which has been viewed by many dozens of observers over recent days 
American Redstart (many)
Cape May Warbler (multiple, including at least several thru the Ramble area, 
others at the n. end of the park, and yet others in various locations scattered 
thru the park)
Northern Parula (multiple)

Magnolia Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler (multiple)
Yellow Warbler (many)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (many)
Blackpoll Warbler (first noted by a few observers by Wed., also seen Thurs., 
8/16 - 8/17)
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler (continuing adult male in the Ramble area; first 
noted there this week on Wed., 8/16, w/several observers)
Canada Warbler (multiple)
Wilson's Warbler

Many other sightings recently in Central Park include more Olive-sided 
Flycatchers (Ramble and n. end of Park, both as-of Wed., 8/16 and also at least 
one thru 8/17), an array of Empidonax (genus) including Yellow-bellied 
Flycatchers, and other Empidonax, some also identified to species-level.  E. 
Wood-Pewees also were ongoing, as are Great Crested Flycatchers.  There are 
some E. Kingbirds both lingering and also a fair no. in-passage, in recent 
days.  Thrushes included more Veery and Wood Thrush, the latter still including 
some that were able to breed successfully and thus fledged young still being 
present.  Scarlet Tanagers and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks have both been seen in 
the multiple, some seen in small groups at one time and location within the 
park as well as many singles in a wide array of locations.  Solitary Sandpiper 
along with (more-common and regular) Spotted Sandpipers have both been found in 
Central Park to Thursday, 8/17.

Many more migrants and some resident species are passing thru and/or 
continuing, and a future report will detail some of those additional species 
(as well as around all of New York County, in N.Y. City). 

Thanks to the many quiet keen observers finding many of the above birds and 

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore
manhattan (and points-north)


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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