I personally like to see cycling related stuff on the OBC website,
regardless of the source. I know I could sign on to other chat lines, but
the OBC default option serves my purpose very nicely.   Whether club
cyclists like it or not, cycling politics are important - you don't have to
look any farther than the other side of the Ottawa River to see what the
'head in the sand' approach has  done for organised cycling. Now you are
forced to ride single file on whatever the local municipality cares to
define as a bikepath, whether it be a two way contra flow lane or a while
line painted on the sidewalk.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Lindsay [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: None
> Subject:      Re: [obc] cfsc
> >I know this is not realistic but is there any way that cfsc can have
> thier
> >own e-mail list.
> I agree.  I don't mind a short note to let OBC people know a file is 
> available, but 'camping in' on what is supposedly an OBC related newsgroup
> seems a bit much.
> ... Paul L.
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