Having just returned from a trip to the UK where the rumble strp is
continuous along the sides of major highways, I would be the last to endorse
the use of rumble strips along sections of highway shared with cyclists.
        The 'shoulder' on british highways is sometimes less than a foot in
width, and given all the automotive detritus that accumulates in it, there
is no way of avoiding contact with the rumble strip. Under these
circumstances, cycling along these shoulders is comparable with riding along
an unimproved railbed. Anyone who has taken the trip from Stiisvile to
Carleton Place will know what that's like.
        As regards the transverse rumble strips found in Ontario (such as on
highway 89 at Airport Road), I must say that I find them extremely
hazardous, especially on a downhill section of highway with a stop sign at
the bottom, as it is on Airport Road at Mulmur (south of Barrie). There is
nothing worse than fighting to maintain balance with a juddering front wheel
and trying to brake at the same time. 
        Encountering a rumble strip on a strange piece of road in the dark
can be equally unnerving, even if there is no downhill involved. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randy Legault [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 12:40 AM
> Subject:      Re: [obc] Paving highway shoulders
> On June 14, 2001 09:46 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Personally, I don't have any concerns so far with rumble strips. I
> > think they do help to keep drivers awake on rural freeways.
> Hi,
> Thanks for sharing your letter with the subscribers to the Citizens for
> Safe 
> Cycling and Ottawa Bicycle Club e-mail lists.  
> I feel compelled to comment that I would have serious reservations if
> there 
> were to be an expansion of the use of rumble strips particularlyif it is
> done 
> without regard for the impact on cyclists.
> As it now stands, I find that paved shoulder widths are minimal.  Reducing
> space for cyclists by installing rumble strips could present an
> inconvenience 
> at least and a safety hazard at worst.
> This has been a matter of intense conflict between transport 
> planners/engineers in several US states of late.  You may want to check
> the 
> following link to notes from a recent meeting of the Human Powered 
> Transportation Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers that 
> touches on some of the issues in play.
> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/kbarrett/curr_upd.htm
> I don't want to be alarmist.  Rumble strips have their place.  There is no
> conflict on major highways where bicycles are excluded.  They could also
> be 
> used to good effect where run-off accidents suggest that there are
> problems.
> I would contend that they should not be a general feature of highway
> design 
> and that where they are used due attention must be paid to minimize
> negative 
> impacts for cyclists.
> Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this discussion.
> Randy Legault
> Ottawa
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