Kevin Nelson wrote:

> ..........The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wed. Oct 24........

> .........This year, although I am a Director of the club, I will not be
able to
> attend due to work commitments. I feel quite bad about this because I
> am hearing rumours that some of the people who are planning to attend
> the AGM are people who have publicly and loudly pronounced their
> disapproval of the OBC,  current board of directors and the
> President, Avery Burdett in particular. ......

> ........For the first time in my experience in the club, there is an
> race for the position of President. For the past two years I think Avery
> has done an excellent job of keeping the club finances in check, keeping
> interest in many different activities high, representing the interests
> of the OBC cyclists and helping the other directors in managing the wide
> variety of events the OBC offers you. As we all know, he is extremely
> passionate about all types of cycling. He has been seen on his bike at
> almost every OBC activity. Each year he has been involved has been
> better than the last.
> He is more than capable of carrying on in these duties.

At the risk of starting a war, I have a problem with this message that I'd
like to get off my chest. First off, I admit to having no knowledge of any
political situation which may be unfolding here. I don't know what group is
supposedly unhappy with the activities of the club, nor how/whether they
plan to take over the OBC to suit their group's purpose.

But I do have some knowledge of governance and volunteer associations. In
the circumstance of two current members of the board running for the
position of president, I have difficulty with another current member of the
board coming out in public support of one of them, with veiled references to
some other group hijacking the club. I don't personally know either Kevin
Nelson, or Avery Burdett. I do admire their commitment as volunteers and
sincerely appreciate their efforts, as I appreciate the efforts of the other
OBC directors and committee members, on behalf of OBC members and cycling in
Ottawa. But I also understand and respect that there may be other members
who may see a different direction for the club. The last time I looked we
still lived in a democracy. We ignore, or worse yet, slander, their opinions
at our peril.

I believe that comments of this nature by a current board member are a
recipe for acrimony, future ill will, and promoting and polarizing political
divisions. I wish to belong to a bicycle club, not a political party. If
Kevin Nelson's purpose was to get more members out to the AGM, then in my
case he's succeeded. I'm not sure he'll appreciate the result.

Don Friedlander

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