I'll never forget the dog that used to come after us out training on
snake Road in Hamilton. Snake road climbs quite steeply all the way up from
Lake Ontario to the top of the escarpmemt in Waterdown. The dog used to come
running down a driveway right on the corner of the steepest part of the
hill, at a point where, although you could see him coming, there was no way
you could accelerate fast enough to get out of his way. 
        Although no one ever got bitten, this happened so often and became
so tiresome that we all swore revenge. One day, my buddy managed to get his
foot out of the toeclip in time to catch the beast right on the end of its
nose. The dog ran back down the driveway yelping in pain. The incident
didn't stop him from going after us again, but he sure kept his distance
after that.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Lau [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:23 AM
> To:   OBC Mailing List Information Page
> Subject:      Re: [obc] Dump Trucks, Dogs, Damsels and Jaguars
> I had a similar incident with a golden retreiver about 4 km east of
> Russell
> on RR #3 on Nov 18.  The nose of the dog was less than 6 inches from my
> right calf.  The dog suddenly stopped and went back to the owner.
> When I cleaned my drivetrain and pulleys yesterday, I noticed a patch of
> golden dog hairs caught in the centre of the top pulley of my rear
> derraileur.
> Ripping hairs off the dog with your rear derraileur is probably not the
> safest way to stop dog attack.  I would not recommend it.
> Michael
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