I don't know whether there is any connection but I have just been
advised by a member of the Ontario Trail Riders Association, an equestrian
organisation in Lanark county, that trails in Frontenac, Lennox and
Addington counties are under the management of a private company, the
Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance, whose main focus appears to be the
promotion of ATV and Snowmobile use. These trails are being promoted in the
US with the objective of drawing tourists. Tail users are expected to buy
permits in much the same way as snowmobilers now do, and fees are enforced
by privately employed trail patrollers. Permit revenues, along with Trillium
grants cover trail maintenance and enforcement. 
        Non motorised trail users are not necessarily excluded, but the
writing is on the wall. I wonder if those who are protesting the opening of
trails for bicycle use will be equally vociferous when the ATVs start
rolling in. Could it be that there is a hidden agenda.
        My source has been campaigning for closer public scrutiny of trail
management groups, since large sums of public money are involved, and there
is the potential for non partisan users, such as equestrians, cyclists,
skiers and hikers to be excluded altogether. There is a meeting in Perth Dec
12th at 5pm to solicit public input into the management of the Glen Tay -
Sharbot Lake section of the Trans Canada Trail, which could go to the
Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance in the absence of any public objections.
        For more details, contact Gayda Everett at the above address.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Hicks [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 8:44 AM
> To:   OBC Mailing List
> Subject:      [obc] Perth Rd as a provincial cycling route
> I just came across the following message on Rudy Hollywood's daily email
> letter.
> ********************************************************************
> From the Frontance Gazette: by Ian Reid
> If last week's meeting was any indication, South Frontence council is not
> welcome to the idea of
> Perth Road being used as part of a provincial cycling route.
> The municipality received a form letter last month from the Ontario
> Cycling Association asking for
> comments on an initiative called the Provincial Cycling Route Network.
> According to the letter, the bicycle route is a "vision to implement an on
> road cycling network
> across Ontario that would connect all regions, many municipalities and key
> points of interest."
> The local branch of the network would join Kingston to Perth.
> Several councilors around the table last week in Bedford expressed concern
> about the possibility of
> one township's main thoroughfares being used on a regular basis by
> two-wheeled travelers.
> In a memo to representatives, township clerk-administrator Gary Stefan
> assured council the
> municipality would not be held responsible for any injuries resulting from
> bicuclists using Perth
> Road.
> "While there has been legitimate concern expressed about the potential for
> injury resulting from
> poor driving habits on either the part cyclist or the operators of
> automobiles, the municipality
> would not be liable if its roads are adequately maintained," he said.
> Coun. Jack Barr noted that an annual race between Kingston and Ottawa
> clogs Perth Road, causing
> traffic problems during a May weekend along a road heavily used by people
> traveling to lunch their
> boats.
> "Yes, there's benefits, but there's a lot more negatives," he said of
> adding the road to the
> Provincial Cycling Route Network. "The Ottawa-Kingston race is a disgrace
> every May.[the bicyclists]
> take over Perth Road."
> Barr added that the potential of having large-scale events on a regular
> basic would not have a
> positive impact on the township economically be cause visitors will likely
> avoid the related traffic
> problems.
> Other councilors said safety concerns top their list of reasons to say no
> to the proposed bike
> trail.
> Coun. Bill Lake has raised objection on a number of occasions about the
> annual race that already
> takes place on Perth Road, saying bicyclist stake up half of the road and
> force motorists to make
> unsafe passes.
> "Someone's going to get killed along there," he said. "It's just a matter
> of time,"
> Not all comments about the proposed network were negative, however.
> Coun. David Hahn said becoming part of something like this would be an
> ideal way for South Frontence
> to attract tourists and promote healthy lifestyles.
> "I think it's reasonable thing to do," he said of the proposal. "This is,
> after all, a new age of
> tourism."
> With a number of question still hanging in the air, council decided to
> write a letter to the Ontario
> Cycling Association asking for more information regarding safety,
> financing and any work that would
> need to be done to Perth Road before making a final decision.
> Rudy Hollywood
> trirudy.com
> Rudy Hollywood
> TriRudy.com
> sponsors by: Madshus skis; Guru bike; Hutchinson Tires; Powerbar;The
> Sportable bike store
> ********************************************************************
> ------
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