On 29/10/11 04:10, Sunil Mushran wrote:
> On 10/27/2011 07:10 PM, Tim Serong wrote:
>> Damn. It was in Pacemaker's include/crm/ais.h, back before June 27
>> last year(!), when it was moved to Pacemaker's configure.ac:
>> https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/commit/8e939b0ad779c65d445e2fa150df1cc046428a93#include/crm/ais.h
>> This means it probably no longer appears in any of Pacemaker's public
>> (devel package) header files, which explains the compile error.
>> I did some more digging, and we (SUSE) presumably never had this
>> problem because we've been carrying the attached patch for rather a
>> long time. It replaces CRM_SERVICE (a relatively uninteresting number)
>> with a somewhat more useful string literal...
>>>> I thought the O2CB OCF RA was always provided by either pacemaker (or,
>>>> on SUSE at least, in ocfs2-tools), but was never included in the
>>>> upstream ocfs2-tools source tree?
>>> I thought we had checked-in all the pacemaker related patches. Are we
>>> missing something?
>> The O2CB OCF RA is this thing:
>> https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/blob/master/extra/resources/o2cb
>> It's the (better/stronger/faster :)) equivalent of the o2cb init
>> script, which you use when OCFS2 is under Pacemaker's control.
>> There's (IMO) a good argument for having OCF RAs included with the
>> project they're intended for use with (all code pertaining to the
>> operation of some program lives in one place).
>> OTOH, there's another argument for having them included in the generic
>> resource-agents or pacemaker package (Pacemaker and RHCS probably
>> being the only things that actually use OCF RAs).
>> I suspect the RA was either never submitted to ocfs2-tools, or was
>> never accepted (don't know which, I wasn't involved when it was
>> originally written).
> So I am checking in the patch with your sign-off. I hope that is ok with
> you.

Fine by me, thanks.


Tim Serong
Senior Clustering Engineer

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