debugfs: ls /
ls: Bad magic number in inode while checking directory at block 129

On 10.11.2012 04:24, Sunil Mushran wrote:
Yes that should be enough for that. But that won't help if the real problem is device related.

What does debugfs.ocfs2 -R "ls -l /" return? If that errors, means the root dir is gone. Maybe
best to look into your backups.

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Marian Serban < <>> wrote:

    Nope, rdump doesn't work either.

    debugfs: rdump -v / /tmp
    Copying to /tmp/
    rdump: Bad magic number in inode while reading inode 129
    rdump: Bad magic number in inode while recursively dumping inode 129

    Could you please confirm that it's enough to just force the return
    value of 0 at "ocfs2_validate_meta_ecc" in order to bypass the ECC

    On 10.11.2012 03:55, Sunil Mushran wrote:
    If global bitmap is gone. then the fs is unusable. But you can
    extract data using
    the rdump command in debugfs.ocfs. The success depends on how
    much of the
    device is still usable.

    On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Marian Serban <
    <>> wrote:

        I tried hacking the fsck.ocfs2 source code by not considering
        metaecc flag. Then I ran into

        journal recovery: Bad magic number in inode while looking up
        the journal inode for slot 0

        fsck encountered unrecoverable errors while replaying the
        journals and will not continue

        After bypassing journal replay function, I got

        Pass 0a: Checking cluster allocation chains
        pass0: Bad magic number in inode while looking up the global
        bitmap inode
        fsck.ocfs2: Bad magic number in inode while performing pass 0

        Does it mean the filesystem is destroyed completely?

        On 10.11.2012 02:54, Marian Serban wrote:
        That's the kernel:

        <> #6 SMP Mon Dec 12
        12:09:49 EET 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

        Anyway, I tried disabling the metaecc feature, no luck.

        [root@ro02xsrv003 ~]# tunefs.ocfs2 --fs-features=nometaecc
        tunefs.ocfs2: I/O error on channel while opening device

        These are the last lines of strace corresponding to the
        tunefs.ocfs command:

        open("/sys/fs/ocfs2/cluster_stack", O_RDONLY) = 4
        fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
        mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
        MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f54aad05000
        read(4, "o2cb\n", 4096)                 = 5
        close(4) = 0
        munmap(0x7f54aad05000, 4096)            = 0
        open("/sys/fs/o2cb/interface_revision", O_RDONLY) = 4
        read(4, "5\n", 15)                      = 2
        read(4, "", 13)                         = 0
        close(4) = 0
        stat("/sys/kernel/config", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=0,
        ...}) = 0
        statfs("/sys/kernel/config", {f_type=0x62656570,
        f_bsize=4096, f_blocks=0, f_bfree=0, f_bavail=0, f_files=0,
        f_ffree=0, f_fsid={0, 0}, f_namelen=255, f_frsize=4096}) = 0
        open("/dev/mapper/volgr1-lvol0", O_RDONLY) = 4
        ioctl(4, BLKSSZGET, 0x7fffce711454)     = 0
        close(4) = 0
        4096, 532480) = 4096
        close(3) = 0
        write(2, "tunefs.ocfs2", 12tunefs.ocfs2)            = 12
        write(2, ": ", 2: )                       = 2
        write(2, "I/O error on channel", 20I/O error on channel)    = 20
        write(2, " ", 1 )                        = 1
        write(2, "while opening device \"/dev/mappe"..., 47while
        opening device "/dev/mapper/volgr1-lvol0") = 47
        write(2, "\r\n", 2

        On 10.11.2012 02:06, Sunil Mushran wrote:
        It's either that or a check sum problem. Disable metaecc.
        Not sure which kernel you are running.
        We had fixed few problems few years ago around this. If
        your kernel is older, then it could be
        a known issue.

        On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Marian Serban
        < <>> wrote:

            Hi Sunil,

            Thank you for answering. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem
            like it's a hardware problem. There's no way a cable
            can be loose because it's iSCSI over 1G Ethernet
            (copper wires) environment. Also I performed "dd
            if=/dev/.... of=/dev/null" and first 16GB or so are
            fine. "Dmesg" shows no errors.

            Also tried with debugfs.ocfs2:

            [root@ro02xsrv003 ~]# debugfs.ocfs2
            debugfs.ocfs2 1.6.3
            debugfs: ls
            ls: Bad magic number in inode '.'
            debugfs: slotmap
            slotmap: Bad magic number in inode while reading
            slotmap system file
            debugfs: stats
                    Revision: 0.90
                    Mount Count: 0   Max Mount Count: 20
                    State: 0   Errors: 0
                    Check Interval: 0 Last Check: Fri Nov  9
            14:35:53 2012
                    Creator OS: 0
                    Feature Compat: 3 backup-super strict-journal-super
                    Feature Incompat: 16208 sparse extended-slotmap
            inline-data metaecc xattr indexed-dirs refcount
                    Tunefs Incomplete: 0
                    Feature RO compat: 7 unwritten usrquota grpquota
                    Root Blknum: 129 System Dir Blknum: 130
                    First Cluster Group Blknum: 64
                    Block Size Bits: 12 Cluster Size Bits: 18
                    Max Node Slots: 10
                    Extended Attributes Inline Size: 256
                    Label: SAN
                    UUID: B4CF8D4667AF43118F3324567B90A987
                    Hash: 3698209293 (0xdc6e320d)
                    DX Seed[0]: 0x9f4a2bb7
                    DX Seed[1]: 0x501ddac0
                    DX Seed[2]: 0x6034bfe8
                    Cluster stack: classic o2cb
                    Inode: 2   Mode: 00 Generation: 1093568923
                    FS Generation: 1093568923 (0x412e899b)
                    CRC32: 46f2d360   ECC: 04d4
                    Type: Unknown   Attr: 0x0   Flags: Valid System
                    Dynamic Features: (0x0)
                    User: 0 (root) Group: 0 (root)   Size: 0
                    Links: 0   Clusters: 45340448
                    ctime: 0x4ee67f67 -- Tue Dec 13 00:25:43 2011
                    atime: 0x0 -- Thu Jan  1 02:00:00 1970
                    mtime: 0x4ee67f67 -- Tue Dec 13 00:25:43 2011
                    dtime: 0x0 -- Thu Jan  1 02:00:00 1970
                    ctime_nsec: 0x00000000 -- 0
                    atime_nsec: 0x00000000 -- 0
                    mtime_nsec: 0x00000000 -- 0
                    Refcount Block: 0
                    Last Extblk: 0 Orphan Slot: 0
                    Sub Alloc Slot: Global   Sub Alloc Bit: 65535


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