Florent Angly wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you please register me as an Octave-Forge developer?
> I have some code that was written in Matlab, and I've been trying to 
> make it Octave compatible. Part of it uses the fminbnd function, however 
> the Octave-Forge function is not as fast as the Matlab one because it 
> does not use parabolic interpolation. I plan on integrating the 
> parabolic interpolation in the current fminbnd code and contribute it.

We have no problems giving out write access to octave-forge, but prefer
to see a code sample on the list first. This is not really for code
review but rather to keep the number of inactive accounts on
octave-forge down.. Can you send your changes here first and Soren or I
will immediately give you write access.


David Bateman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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