Both of these are now done: OFBiz added as a TLP to the left-hand list
on www.apache.org, and David Jones added to the list of Officers.

For the curious, instructions for updating the main web site are at
http://www.apache.org/dev/infra-site.html -- though I think the karma
on that is a bit more limited.


On 1/3/07, Jacopo Cappellato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As a follow up on my previous mail, we will also need to update the
following page:


(David Jones should be added to the list of Officiers)

David W., Yoav, can you take a look at this too?



Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
> Hi all,
> the good news is that we have finally the OFBiz website at
> http://ofbiz.apache.org.
> Yoav, David W., could you please add the OFBiz link to the TLP projects
> left column of the www.apache.org main page?
> Thanks,
> Jacopo

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