Hi Ilkka,

Ilkka Priha wrote:

Any chances to get OJB 1.0.5 out in near future, say during 2006?

I will check in some minor changes to fix DB specific tests (next days). Additionally we will switch from Torque to DdlUtils (1.0-rc1, with -Duse-ddlutils=false Torque can still be used), because DdlUtils database support is much more better (only with DdlUtils you can run OJB test-suite against oracle, mysql, maxdb without modification). After this I will run my final test-cycles against hsql, maxdb, msql, oracleXE and start with 1.0.5 release vote on dev-list.

Any particular topics to test or do to help it out?

Last weeks I try to optimize performance of OJB. If possible check performance of latest version from SVN (OJB_1_0_RELEASE branch) against your own tests. Performance of the upcoming 1.0.5 version should be better (or the same) than 1.0.4. If I add new performance hot spots or anti-pattern (compared with 1.0.4) please let me know.


-- Ilkka

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  • OJB 1.0.5? Ilkka Priha
    • Re: OJB 1.0.5? Armin Waibel

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