Hi Guido,

> Hello,
> I'm using OJB 1.0 rc4 inside of jboss3.2.2rc3 and db2.
> OJB is running into self generated deadlocks if I access ojb with
> concurrent ejb clients when using SequenceManagerNextValImpl
> As a workaround I use SequenceManagerInMemoryImpl but I think this
> work with sequences.
> If ojb could access his internal tables with read uncommitted this
> should not
> occur but it seems that OJB does not commit it's entries at the
> tables, especially the sequence id's.

Running within a j2ee container OJB should not commit any
tx/connections. Each from OJB obtained DataSource was automatically
enlisted in the running tx (thus it's not allowed to commit).
Further I think it's not allowed to change
transactionIsolation of DataSources (but maybe I'm wrong).

> What can I do to get rid of the deadlocks?
Good question ;-)
Can you discribe the deadlock more detailed?
When does it occur, when create new sequence name
(OJB can create missing sequence names by itself) or
when lookup next sequence key?
Can you write a test case (not ejb based) to reproduce
your problem?
There is a multithreaded test case in CVS called 'SMMultithreadedTest'.
This test simulate concurrent clients. This test pass when I use
SequenceManagerNextValImpl and sapDB.


> best regards,
> Guido
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