hi paul,

i'm sorry i forget that ojb manipulates the criteria in addLike.
imo it would be the best to pass the criteria withou any modifications to the dbms.
what do you think about this ?


Nase, Paul R. wrote:

Adding a like parameter as the link suggests (addLike("attribute","%[%]%")) will
return any records where the field matches <anytexthere>[<anytexthere>]<anytexthere>
(i.e.  ABC[DEF]XYZ matches, ABC[XYZ does not).

The only way I have been able to get an sql query to work manually is to use a
statement similar to:
   select * from sometable where description like '%\%%' ESCAPE '\'
NOTE: finds all records where the description contains the '%' character somewhere.

The first problem with what OJB is doing when I add a like criteria, is strip
off the escape character.  They do this because they are only allowing a '*',
'\' or a '?' to be 'escaped', so they assume if you are using the '\' character at
all, it is simply removed.  Technically, they aren't really escaping anything,
they are simply allowing the *, ? and every other \ to go through as is and not
converting them to their respective % and _ characters.
What OJB doesn't do when escaping their '*' and '?' - is check to make sure the
next character is actually a '*' or '?'.
OJB also doesn't add the ESCAPE parameter that works with the like clause.  They
could check the value for the like operation for any '\' character, and simply
append " ESCAPE '\' " if they find one.

So, unless I am missing something, I think the ojb support for 'like' is close,
but not quite complete.  There are basically two characters you simply cannot
search for in a string, '%' and '_'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jakob Braeuchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 12:56 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: Query with criteria - like using '%' or '_'

hi paul,

check out this link:



Nase, Paul R. wrote:

Thanks Jakob,

But I want to find objects that contain the actual '%' character, I don't want to search for objects using the '%' as the one or more wildcard.

The addLike("attribute","P%") will return all records starting with the letter 'P'. So this query will search using the '%' as the normal sql wildcard, it won't query for items that actually contain the '%' character.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jakob Braeuchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 12:29 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: Query with criteria - like using '%' or '_'

hi paul,

use addLike("your_attribute","P%")


Nase, Paul R. wrote:

I would like to perform a query where a description could have a '%' or an '_'. Is this possible using QueryByCriteria?

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I'd like to be able to search using a like statement similar to: "Where Description like '%\%%' ESCAPE '\'"

The current implementation will just strip off the escape character, resulting in passing my literal '\%' being pass as a wildcard.

Thanks in advance.

Paul Nase

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