Jakob Braeuchi wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis schrieb:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

The series of simplified OJB Introduction applications that I like to contribute to the project, rely initially on the ojb-blank.

but: ojb-blank does not provide the basic functionality needed:
- ant-target "run"
- ant-target "deploy" [or similar], resulting in an ready to start jar within an directory.

Can I expect such an ojb-blank project from the team/community?

I am wondering about one thing:

I get no answers about my ant / ojb-blank related questions, which I would need to correct the ojb-blank myself.

Why does the community answer to an quick-start incident immediately:


but does not provide me with the relevant answers / support to provide an professional grade solution which avoids exactly those incidents?

Please provide me with the targets "run" and "deploy" [or similar] (which would be basicly the ojb-quickstart target, moved to the ojb-blank build.xml), thus I can help the current newcomer (and the future ones) in a professional manner.

It's for the benefit of all.

I depend on you.
> let's wait for the solution tom is working on.




I've problems with my time-budget.

I currently need nothing more than an ant-target "run" (or the correction of the community-member provided ant-target "run").

May I ask on the "ant" mailing-list for help?

Please review the thread:

[QUICKSTART] - A OJB quickstart similar to hibernate



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