Lemke, Wesley wrote:
Anyone have any luck setting up p6spy with Websphere 5.1? This is kind
of on-topic because Thomas suggested I try it for debugging the OJB

Anyone familiar with this error:

[4/15/05 10:07:48:319 CDT] 68779cc2 FreePool E J2CA0046E: Method
createManagedConnctionWithMCWrapper caught an exception during creation
of the ManagedConnection for resource jdbc/AffinityDS, throwing
ResourceAllocationException. Original exception:
com.ibm.ws.exception.WsException: DSRA8101E: DataSource class cannot be
used as one-phase: ClassCastException:
com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.jdbc.WSJdbcDataSource I can provide the full stack trace if needed.

P6Spy, Jakarta Commons DBCP and similar products that will wrap an existing Connection object in it's own connection wrappers will usually surface these kind of "exotic issues" in managed environments.

This is because managed environments will also try to wrap the Connection
object so that global transaction/auto-commit handling etc can be
enforced by the management container.

We were struggling with this in OJB a while ago where combinations of
WebLogic/JBoss/Oracle 10 JDBC driver/P6Spy/DBCP had to be dealt with
in X number of ways, where X>1 and is somewhat annoyingly high...

Your specific exception is thrown when WebSphere is trying to wrap the existing Connection object into a ManagedConnection.

Unfortunately I can't help you with any WebSpehere-specifics, but as
general hints:

* try to disable any caching/optimisations on the JDBC level that
 WebSphere tries to set on the Connection/DataSource

* try different auto-commit and transaction settings in WebSpehere and OJB

Hope this gives you some leads as to where to start...

If you succeed, please report back to the list as we could put this in the FAQ. P6Spy is really useful when debugging OJB problems.


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