There is now a functioning RDF for Works. Here are a few examples:

The Work is a fairly limit "type" in OL. There are elements from the  
editions that would be useful to see in a Work output, but those will  
require more than simple output from the Work type. This current  
version is essentially equivalent to the output from .json, with the  
addition of the display form of the author name.

There was one area that I haven't yet found a good property for:

OL has subjects_places and subjects_times. Using DCterms, there is  
only "coverage":

<dcterms:coverage>United States</dcterms:coverage>

Let me know if you know of better properties, ones that would  
distinguish between place and time. I would prefer to keep it simple,  
so I've avoid nesting properties within dcterms:subject, but that  
might be necessary.

As always, all comments, suggestions, corrections are welcome.


Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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