He answered me with the block and head casts....heres his answer:

I think I looked in the right place. Cast #E 409 686.

     E  403686  77, 80cc  2.000, 2.072"  1.625"
1970 455's, except W-30. Valves commonly 2.000 and 1.625", but Toronado and 442 heads had the larger 2.072" intakes. Valve rotators on all valves, therefore deep spring seats. Maybe have hardened exhaust seats.

He's got "E" heads, so it's a BBO. That 3 can easily be mistaken for a 9.

There's no roll
cage-don't race on a circuit-have only done on a drag strip

If he runs as fast he he says he does, ***he must have a roll cage to run on a sanctioned drag strip, period.*** Roundy-round doesn't matter.

...no fiber glass on
vehicle. If you have any further questions, you can reach me @ 412 319 7623...ask
for Matt.

No, I don't have any questions for him. I don't want to hear his voice. I just hope nobody buys it for any more than $1000. It's probably worth that in parts.

I shouldn't be so critical, but...

Milton Schick
1964 442 Cutlass

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