
Following the update I needed to update my only non-global zone as
well but this is the result:

# /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z zone1 attach -u
Log File: /var/tmp/zone1.attach_log.X6ai9c
               Attach Path: /tank/zones/zone1/root
        Attach ZFS Dataset: tank/zones/zone1/ROOT/zbe-1

                Installing: Using pre-existing data in zonepath
                    Result: Attach Failed.

And in the log:

[Fri Dec 13 16:38:35 CET 2013] Log File: /var/tmp/zone1.attach_log.X6ai9c
[Fri Dec 13 16:38:38 CET 2013]                Attach Path:
[Fri Dec 13 16:38:38 CET 2013]         Attach ZFS Dataset:

[Fri Dec 13 16:38:38 CET 2013] existing
[Fri Dec 13 16:38:38 CET 2013]                 Installing: Using
pre-existing data in zonepath
[Fri Dec 13 16:38:38 CET 2013]   Sanity Check: Passed.  Looks like an
OpenSolaris system.
Unable to get preferred publisher information for zone 'global'.
brand-specific usage: attach [-a archive] [-d dataset] [-n] [-r zfs-recv] [-u]
        The -a archive option specifies a tar file or cpio archive.
        The -d dataset option specifies an existing dataset.
        The -r zfs-recv option receives the output of a 'zfs send' command
        of an existing zone root dataset.
        The -u option indicates that the software should be updated to match
        the current host.
[Fri Dec 13 16:38:43 CET 2013]                     Result: Attach Failed.

Any clues?

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