On 1/9/14, 8:23 PM, Entfernt wrote:
> This question covers OmniOS and the usual Supermicro hardware base.  I want 
> to add a four-port gigabit ethernet card to a 5017C-LF:
> http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/sys-5017c-lf.cfm
> So that's PCI Express x8.
> Most cards for the machine are two-port but this one:
> http://www.iphase.com/products/product.cfm/PCI%20Express/399
> appears to fit the bill.  In particular, it has the Broadcom® BCM5704C 
> chipset which appears on the HCL:
> https://www.illumos.org/hcl/
> but I'm a programmer rather than a sysadmin or hardware person.  Can anyone 
> see any obvious reason for the card not working ?  Thanks in expectation.

Oh and one last thing: what do you *need* the extra 2 ports for? As in,
do you need them for the physically separate ports, or do you need the
extra performance? If it's for the performance, it might make sense to
look at 10-gig NICs. Dual-port 10-gig can be had in low-profile for just
a little more money than 4x 1-gig. But of course, if it doesn't fit your
workload requirements, then ignore me. Just a thought...

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