Thanks to lotheac's pull request (#40), starting now, if you build OmniOS 
packages from the master (aka. bloody) branch, pkgdepend will be run prior to 
package publication.

Here's lotheac's commit:

and here's my followup to correct hiccups in code I don't control:

The changes in my followup are the equivalent of lint-suppression directives in 
illumos-omnios source.  Generally, these are discouraged, unless the source (or 
compiled binaries) has third-party provenance, or other strange properties 
(like a unix binary in kayak).

There's a good chance the next update to bloody will replace the whole wad of 
packages.  This will mean a longer upgrade time, of course, but it will mean 
all of the packages were built with pkgdepend.

Thanks, and FYI,
Dan McD. -- OmniOS Engineering

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