I am currently setting up a server using 151006 LTS and I am seeing something unexpected from the 'pkg info command' and I am not sure if it is a bug or just that I don't understand how it is supposed to work.

If I run 'pkg info gnu-patch' I get

          Name: text/gnu-patch
       Summary: The GNU Patch utility
         State: Installed
     Publisher: omnios
       Version: 2.7
 Build Release: 5.11
        Branch: 0.151006
Packaging Date: Mon May  6 19:55:18 2013
          Size: 239.38 kB
FMRI: pkg://omnios/text/gnu-patch@2.7,5.11-0.151006:20130506T195518Z

Which is what I expect, but if I run 'pkg info -r gnu-patch' I get

          Name: text/gnu-patch
       Summary: The GNU Patch utility
         State: Not installed
     Publisher: omnios
       Version: 2.7
 Build Release: 5.11
        Branch: 0.151008
Packaging Date: Wed Dec  4 02:52:08 2013
          Size: 240.62 kB
FMRI: pkg://omnios/text/gnu-patch@2.7,5.11-0.151008:20131204T025208Z

And if I run 'pkg install gnu-patch'
It tells me there are no updates for the image.

It looks like 'pkg info -r' Isn't restricting itself to the system's branch, but 'pkg install' is. It seems like the correct behavior would be to have pkg info restrict itself to the branch as well.

Nathan Huff
System Administrator
Academic Health Center Information Systems
University of Minnesota
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