> On Mar 25, 2015, at 2:17 PM, wuffers <m...@wuffers.net> wrote:
>> You reproduce this bug by configuring things a specific way, right?  I ask 
>> because you seem to have been running okay until you fell down this 
>> particular panic rabbit hole with a particular set of things, correct?
> The panic is happening when I tried to create a 10+TB eager zero vmdk with 
> the vSphere fat client. I'm assuming that it will happen a third time when I 
> use the same steps. Since I can't save myself the two reboots, I will most 
> likely try without the usual Hyper-V and VMware host loads and just try to 
> create the vmdk and see what happens. So I would say no, I'm not changing any 
> settings or configuration, just trying to do "normal" things like create 
> disks, although they are much bigger than anything I've created before. I do 
> have a 50TB LU for the Hyper-V hosts, but never tried to create any disk that 
> big on it. If I have time I'll try it on a Hyper-V VM as well.

I had to ask.

A with-kmem-flags coredump will be very useful.


p.s. r151014 is coming soon. I'll be curious if it manifests the same 
(mis-)behavior.  Not a lot of comstar fixes from upstream.

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