So you fixed this on the 014 BE? Strange the entries went away...


Sent from my iPhone (typos, autocorrect, and all)

> On Apr 23, 2015, at 11:52 PM, Doug Hughes <> wrote:
> I noticed that ixgbe entries were completely missing from driver_aliases. a 
> little bit of googling to remember the syntax to bind the right mapping, a 
> little bit of scanpci (PS - we really should have this as part of OmniOS, I 
> imported it from a Sol10 machine), and I found the mapping and then:
> root@x4275-3-15-39:/root# add_drv -i '"pciex8086,10fb"' ixgbe
> root@x4275-3-15-39:/root# dladm show-phys
> LINK         MEDIA                STATE      SPEED  DUPLEX    DEVICE
> usbecm0      Ethernet             down       10     full usbecm0
> igb0         Ethernet             up         1000   full      igb0
> igb1         Ethernet             up         1000   full      igb1
> igb2         Ethernet             down       0      half      igb2
> igb3         Ethernet             up         1000   full      igb3
> ixgbe0       Ethernet             up         10000  full      ixgbe0
> ixgbe1       Ethernet             up         10000  full      ixgbe1
> root@x4275-3-15-39:/root#
> back in business.
> On 4/23/2015 4:07 PM, Dan McDonald wrote:
>>> On Apr 23, 2015, at 3:58 PM, Doug Hughes <> wrote:
>>> Oddly, removing the SFP modules makes no difference. Replacing the modules 
>>> - still doesn't show up.  I really do expect to see the interfaces in dladm 
>>> show-phys now.. also add_drv still fails to attach, which is odd. I feel 
>>> like this has something to do with fault management not clearing state 
>>> somewhere along the way. This card was definitely working just fine and the 
>>> only thing that changes was the latest upgrade, followed by a lot of fmadm 
>>> stuff, and now it seems like the error state has not cleared entirely. We 
>>> just inserted the new intel optics and I tried add_drv ixgbe again, but it 
>>> still fails to attach even though lspci sees the card just fine and it 
>>> shows up in PROM.
>> Dammit.
>> Chris Siebenmann mentions one dead chicken to try, but the catch is, I got 
>> the impression that in your old r151012 Boot Environment, everything is 
>> working just fine.
>> Am I correct in understanding that your r151012 BE works fine with these, 
>> but the r151014 BE does not?
>> Once you answer that question, I can make suggestions on how to proceed.
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
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