> On Jul 20, 2015, at 5:50 PM, Andy Fiddaman <omn...@citrus-it.net> wrote:
> I haven't managed to get to the bottom of this.
> Could someone please send me a nightly.log from a build of the Illumos
> gate on an OmniOS system so I can look for differences?


I'm attaching:

* illumos-gate.env  -- an .env file for nightly

* mail_msg.txt -- the mail_msg from my latest illumos-gate build

And I'll put nightly.log here:


These are from my r151014 build machine.


Attachment: illumos-gate.env
Description: Binary data

==== Nightly distributed build started:   Fri Jul 17 17:10:17 EDT 2015 ====
==== Nightly distributed build completed: Fri Jul 17 18:01:50 EDT 2015 ====

==== Total build time ====

real    0:51:33

==== Build environment ====

SunOS r151014 5.11 omnios-653e8f9 i86pc i386 i86pc

dmake: illumos make
number of concurrent jobs = 10

32-bit compiler
/opt/onbld/bin/i386/cw -_gcc
cw version 1.30 (SHADOW MODE DISABLED)
primary: /opt/gcc-4.4.4//bin/gcc
gcc (GCC) 4.4.4

64-bit compiler
/opt/onbld/bin/i386/cw -_gcc
cw version 1.30 (SHADOW MODE DISABLED)
primary: /opt/gcc-4.4.4//bin/gcc
gcc (GCC) 4.4.4

openjdk full version "1.7.0_76-b31"

/tmp/nightly.101811: line 1761: as: not found

ld: Software Generation Utilities - Solaris Link Editors: 5.11-1.1751 (illumos)

Build project:  group.staff
Build taskid:   142

==== Nightly argument issues ====

WARNING: MULTI_PROTO is "";  should be "yes" or "no".
Setting MULTI_PROTO to "no".

==== Build version ====


==== Make clobber ERRORS ====

==== Make tools clobber ERRORS ====

==== Tools build errors ====

==== Build errors (non-DEBUG) ====

==== Build warnings (non-DEBUG) ====

==== Elapsed build time (non-DEBUG) ====

real    15:05.2
user  1:32:57.8
sys     11:52.2

==== Build noise differences (non-DEBUG) ====

==== package build errors (non-DEBUG) ====

==== Build errors (DEBUG) ====

==== Build warnings (DEBUG) ====

==== Elapsed build time (DEBUG) ====

real    12:55.2
user  1:24:04.6
sys      9:37.6

==== Build noise differences (DEBUG) ====

==== package build errors (DEBUG) ====

==== Validating manifests against proto area ====

==== Check ELF runtime attributes ====

==== Diff ELF runtime attributes (since last build) ====

==== 'dmake lint' of src ERRORS ====

==== Elapsed time of 'dmake lint' of src ====

real    13:56.1
user    47:56.1
sys     10:23.5

==== lint warnings src ====

==== lint noise differences src ====

==== cstyle/hdrchk errors ====

==== Find core files ====

==== Diff unreferenced files (since last build) ====

==== Check lists of files ====

==== Impact on file permissions ====

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