
I have been test driving RSF-1 for the last week to accomplish the following:

- cluster a zpool, that is made up from 8 mirrored vdevs, which are based on 8 x 2 SSD mirrors via iSCSI from another OmniOS box
- export a nfs share from above zpool via a vip
- have RSF-1 provide the fail-over and vip-moving
- use the nfs share as a repository for my Oracle VM guests and vdisks

The setup seems to work fine, but I do have one issue, I can't seem to get solved. Whenever I failover the zpool, any inflight nfs data, will be stalled for some unpredictable time. Sometimes it takes not much longer than the "move" time of the resources but sometimes it takes up to 5 mins. until the nfs client on my VM server becomes alive again.

So, when I issue a simple ls -l on the folder of the vdisks, while the switchover is happening, the command somtimes comcludes in 18 to 20 seconds, but sometime ls will just sit there for minutes.

I wonder, if there's anything, I could do about that. I have already played with several timeouts, nfs wise and tcp wise, but nothing seem to yield any effect on this issue. Anyone, who knows some tricks to speed up the inflight data?


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