There are two illumos bugs:  6057 & 6594.  The first was pushed upstream, but 
then backed out.  The second bug fixes one of the big reasons the first got 
backed out.  The problem is, there are always 3rd-party apps.

These changes affect the way lastlog, and pam_open_session are implemented.  
With OmniOS-built packages (ones from the "omnios" publisher), we've recompiled 
things to use the new lastlog.  It's just a recompilation.  The problem is, 
potentially lots of older software that {,mis-}uses pam_open_session(), and 
that older software will break if run stock on r151018.

I'm curious if adopters of r151018 are noticing anything weird about their 
software that uses pam_open_session().  In particular, look for surprise 
printings (or double-printings) of "Last login at" messages.

I'm asking because there's some resistance to allowing these to go upstream 
into illumos-gate, and I want to know how broken the world is from r151018 
users' POV, because it already has these fixes in place.


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