On Wed, 26 Jul 2017 20:27:28 +0100
Peter Tribble <peter.trib...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Which does open the question: how many people need LTS? (And what
> does LTS mean for them - in terms of how long support would be needed,
> and what level of support/backports they expect.) Perhaps Chris could
> chip in here, but I know that with my $DAYJOB hat on the idea of
> dropping security updates for release X as soon as release Y comes out
> is a bit of a non-starter.
I forgot one other important reason:
6) Hardware is acquired only if it is 100% supported by LTS release and
a 3 years support period nicely fits the expected lifetime for hardware.

Michael Rasmussen

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/usr/games/fortune -es says:
He hated being thought of as one of those people that wore stupid
ornamental armour. It was gilt by association.
                -- Terry Pratchett, "Night Watch"

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