I tried to upgrade my r151020 (already with OpenSSH) to the latest Community Edition.

I downloaded the certificates and checked them successfully, but changing the publisher (after replacing the https with http) fails:

$ pkg publisher
omnios origin online F http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151020/ uulm.mawi origin online F http://scott.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/release/
niksula.hut.fi              origin   online F http://pkg.niksula.hut.fi/

$ pfexec /usr/bin/pkg set-publisher -P \
  -G http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151020/ \
  -g https://pkg.omniosce.org/r151022/core/ omnios

pkg set-publisher: The origin URIs for 'omnios' do not appear to point to a valid pkg repository. Please verify the repository's location and the client's network configuration.
Additional details:

Unable to contact valid package repository: https://pkg.omniosce.org/r151022/core
Encountered the following error(s):
Transport errors encountered when trying to contact repository.
Reported the following errors:
Unable to locate a CA directory: /etc/openssl/certs
Secure connection is not available.

$ ls -l /etc/ssl/pkg/
total 24
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jan 27 2014 78e80b96.0 -> OmniTI_CA.pem lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Apr 18 04:00 82b377f0.0 -> OmniTI_CA2.pem
-r--r--r--   1 root     bin         1326 Jan 27  2014 OmniTI_CA.pem
-r--r--r--   1 root     bin         2269 Apr 18 04:00 OmniTI_CA2.pem
-r--r--r--   1 root     bin         2244 Apr 18 04:00 OmniTI_CA2_OmniOS.pem
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Apr 18 04:00 a7c78dde.0 -> OmniTI_CA2_OmniOS.pem
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root        2175 Jul 10 13:32 omniosce-ca.cert.pem

I can ping "omniosce.org", and the server has normal Internet access. I checked online but I haven't found any solution.

Could you please give me some hints?

Olaf Marzocchi
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

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