Thanks Andy, for pointing that out. So it seems to be a "feature" of how rsync handles permissions. I've been fiddling around with those rsync options, but I couldn't get it right. That's not a biggy though, I'll take an other approach: use rsync to copy the data over and afterwards correct the ACLs on the target by running commands like:

"find <location> type -f -exec /usr/bin/chmod <file-ACLs> && find <location> type -d -exec /usr/bin/chmod <dir-ACLs> && chmod <file-and-dir-ACLs>"

That will get me where I want to be.

@Paul: both sides are indeed ZFS, but send/receive in this case is not an option, as I'm trying to split a large dataset (with a number of toplevel subdirectories) into multiple smaller datasets (one per toplevel subdir). But the above strategy will get me there, it just requires one extra step.


On 2018-03-09 9:59, Andy Fiddaman wrote:
On Thu, 8 Mar 2018, Paul B. Henson wrote:

; > From: Andries Annema
; > Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 8:06 AM
; >
; > But the issue seems unresolved when:
; >
; > - using rsync to copy stuff over from one dataset to another.
; I don't think rsync understands ZFS ACLs? So it is most likely trying to 
duplicate the mode bits while copying, using chmod...

rsync explicity does do that, it tries to make the permissions on the target
file match the source, including ACLs where it can (I'm also not sure if it
supports NFSv4 ACLs).

 From the man page:

        To give new files the destination-default permissions,
        make sure that the --perms option is off and use
        --chmod=ugo=rwX (which ensures that all non-masked bits get

So, give this a go:

         rsync -a --no-p --no-g --chmod=ugo=rwX src/ dst/

The extra options need to come after -a.



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