Hi Mark:
Sorry about the earlier message - I just remembered I was supposed to switch
to 'plain text' before sending stuff to Ontbirds. I haven't posted in awhile
and I forgot about having to do that. JHS

Subject: Saw-whet owl in Burlington

Thanks to Don Perks' posting earlier today, another birder and I were able
to locate the Saw-whet Owl at Burloak Park in Burlington at 3:00 p.m.
It was still in the willow to the right of the main path. The only
additional information I'd add is that you need to walk in under the willow
branches on the north side of the tree and then look up in the branches
toward the right (west) about 10 ft off the ground. 


>From the Queen Elizabeth go south on Burloak Dr. to Lakeshore Rd (old Hwy 2
), turn right and about a half km. watch for the park on the left and turn
left into the parking lot. Walk 500 yds or so to the first willlow tree on
the right side of the path. 
It's almost dark now - so hopefully it will still be in the area tomorrow.

Jeanne Halet Syms
(905) 333 -4488

"Jeanne Halet Syms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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