SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Nov 10, 2003

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                0              0              1
Turkey Vulture             259           4630          73757
Osprey                       0              3            246
Bald Eagle                   3             19            196
Northern Harrier             2            100           1318
Sharp-shinned Hawk           7            118          12040
Cooper's Hawk               11             64            853
Northern Goshawk             3             25             46
Red-shouldered Hawk         37            231            841
Broad-winged Hawk            0              0          87359
Red-tailed Hawk           1251           6702          10879
Rough-legged Hawk            4             49             70
Golden Eagle                12             66             98
American Kestrel             1              5           2380
Merlin                       0              0             81
Peregrine Falcon             0              0             85
Unknown                      0              0             12
Swainson's Hawk              0              0             14

Total:                    1590          12012         190276

Observation start time: 09:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:00:00 
Total observation time: 6 hours

Official Counter: Calvin Brennan

Observers:        Terry Angevine

Today began bright and clear except for a bit of high cirrus with overcast
conditions increasing in the afternoon with the approach of a front
predicted to bring rain overnight. Winds were light to moderate out of the

Even with the wind from the southeast, the flight was very good, slacking
off when the heavier clouds pushed into the area. Part of the movement was
to the north but many birds were overhead and often low. The overall mix
was similar to yesterday but at a lower volume. It was still a very
impressive day. 

Report submitted by Calvin Brennan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark information may be found at:

The primary site used by Southeastern Michigan Raptor Research (SMRR) is the 
Boat Launch at Lake Erie Metropark located approximately 20 miles south of 
Detroit, Michigan. A secondary site, the Headquarters of Pointe Mouillee State 
Game Area can be used during certain wind conditions.  When staffing is 
available, both sites can be used at the same time.  The season begins on the 
first day of September and concludes on the final day of November.  For details 
and directions, log on to

The stipend for the 2003 season counter was provided by DTE Energy.  Visit to learn more!


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