Hello Ontbirders

Today Saturday, Nov.15, 2003 Stan Bajurny & I headed to the west end of Lake
Ontario with a side trip to Niagara Falls for the California Gull.

We first stopped at Gray Rd then Sayer's Park and Green Rd. Close off shore
At Sayer's Park Stan spotted the male Barrow's Goldeneye with about 200 Surf
and White-winged Scoters as well as 25+ Black Scoters and several thousand
other to be expected waterfowl.

 After a brief stop at Niagara and an even briefer conversation with Kayo
Roy we headed for Port Weller.We made the long and tiring (for me) walk to
the lighthouse on the east side of the Welland Canal only to be told (by a
birder named Brian) that 2 Purple Sandpipers had just flown off just 19
minutes before we arrived. We hung around for 30 to 40 minutes and started
back only to have Brian catch up with us (he was on a bike) and tell us that
15 minutes after we left a Parasitic Jaeger flew past close inshore chasing
a Bonaparte's Gull.

 Brian also told us that 2 Purple Sandpipers were there yesterday (Fri.14th
of Nov. 2003) as well as a male Harlequin Duck, these Kayo Roy also told us
about, thus the reason for our walk out there.

 It wasn't a wasted walk out there as while there we saw 2 Red-throated
Loons, 2 flocks totaling 41 snow Buntings and a close fly past at eye level
of a flock of 46 Lapland Longspurs and a fly pass of approx. 2500
Red-breasted Mergansers.

Norm Murr

Richmond Hill, ON



>From the Toronto direction exit the QEW highway at Centenial Parkway on the
south end of the Burlington Skyway. Drive under the QEW and drive a short
distance to the North Service Road, turn right and drive along the Service
Road to Drake Drive (just past the Gray Road overpass). Turn left on Drake
and drive the short distance to Frances Avenue and turn left, drive to Gray
Road and turn right and drive to the lake.

Alternately you can turn right at Frances Avenue and drive to Green Road,
turn left at Green Road and drive to the lake.

For Lawrence Sayer's Park you can turn right off Gray Road just before you
get to the lake and drive to the park (obey the no parking signs here as
others have received a ticket). Or you can drive straight down Drake to the
park from the Service Road.


Exit the QEW Highway at exit # 44 (Niagara Street) and drive north across
the QEW and up Niagara St. to Lakeshore Road. Turn right (east) on Lakeshore
and cross the Welland canal bridge and immediately after crossing the bridge
turn left (north) on Broadway. Continue up Broadway until you bump in to the
lake and you will see a small parkette on your left with a small parking
lot. Park here (it is safer here than at the gate at the start of the trail)
and walk to the gate at the entrance to the marina (it looks like a prison
camp gate). At the gate follow the small trail along the fence to your left
and in about 100 yards you will be at the gate at the start of the main
trail (Seaway Haulage Road). From this gate you walk straight ahead for
about 2 km to the lake and lighthouse checking the trees and bushes along
the way.


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