On 7/17/07, Pseudo Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<snip: calendar>

Hi Psuedo,

Try grabbing the Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/jscalendar directory from
trunk or rel_1_2 and dropping that in place into your install (likely
/openils/var/web/opac/common/js/ for a default install).  Prior to
1.2, this was an external dependency.

One more thing, when I played around with the admin tabs I encountered
another error, in selecting Offline Transaction Management I get this error:

* Fix Me *
Error parsing JSON [SyntaxError: illegal character]

Hrmm, I need to robustify the error handling there.

I also need for Bill to poke his head into this thread, but the API
for the offline transaction management is powered by CGI, and if that
is misconfigured you might get something like this.  Can you watch the
apache error log when you make this happen?

I am hoping that you guys could help me out with this problem just like in
the past :)

We can try! :D

 By the way is there a wiki on how to upgrade from to 1.2 that will
not affect existing data?

There isn't, but Dan Scott posted this which will help:

It'll definitely get wiki'ed once 1.2 gets out of the release candidate phase.

-- Jason

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